Sunday, September 20, 2009

Vegas according to an iPhone

Let me tell you a story...imagine, getting a phone call to hop on the soonest flight to Vegas for work. To experience Magic Week. Myself & Crystal hopped on a plane and took off. Little did we know how insane our trip would be. However, all of our pictures were taken on her iPhone, and were of just our suite. I mean, a suite like this, why would you ever leave?
me in the living room
our work-out room (which we never used)
our indoor pool
the hallway, which leads to the bar on the left, living room on right, exit at the end
the bathtub. bowl of fresh berries & champagne at all times
our "last supper" dining table
our sweet note from the assistant vice president of Caesar's
the pool!!!
our butler Yuri...he was the best
mimosa in hand (thanks Yuri), in the limo, on the way to the airport...little did we know we were REALLY late
kept the party going

since we were late, i had been wearing brand new shoes. imagine wearing brand new shoes for 48 hours, and then having to run through LV airport. My toe was wounded
And finally eating back in sunny San Francisco

*Not pictured: our 2 bedrooms plus the master suite, our kitchen, sauna, and bar.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

haha you ladies are gettin it. LV sounds like it treated you lovely!