Sunday, September 13, 2009


I've been super m.i.a lately, from the blog. Whether that makes a difference or not, I don't know, I don't really care. I just know that sometimes it's good to "x" out the little technological advances, the information overload, the million e-mail bearing inboxes, and just...chill. I've been very content with my period of simplification. I have been bad about blogging, returning phone calls, adhering to plans....and in turn finding time to breathe, stretch, think, not think...whatever. I've been enjoying the little things: like smelling my non-fat latte in the morning and sitting in my room with my dog, with the ceiling fan the point where I have to put one of my favorite sweaters. I've been having breakfast while counting the cows that graze on the field that faces my mom's porch. I have found a sort of intrigue with not knowing everything, anything, exactly when it happens. I've been spending extra time in the shower and letting the hot water run through my hair. I've been catching up on music, and evaluating my passions. Simplifying my life, isolating myself, so that I could find some time to spend...with me. Going to school, working and just knowing that at the end of the day.. I am me, and I am my biggest supporter. I may not always be the first, I might not always have the answers, I'm not a lot of things. But life's short, and I choose my steps carefully, and carry them out bravely. I know that I need to slowly get back in my groove, but just wanted to shed light on what I've been up to, and maybe give you a little insight as to who I am, and what I do. And most of all to remind you that I am a real person with a good heart, high hopes and a work ethic that'd make you nod your head. xo

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