Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Flavor of the Weak

This poem is for you, you and your faults,
Because every time you meet a nice girl you put it to a halt.
You change your mind like a kid wants a toy,
At first it’s new & exciting but 5 minutes later he’s on to his next joy.
You work hard, divide & conquer,
Once mission is accomplished, you play her like it’s poker.
You’re done with this game & move on to the next
Little does she know, she’ll soon be just an ex.
One week you want sweet, the next you want mean
Each easily replaced, you’re like a dick driven machine.
You’re one of those guys that don’t have a type
And now that I know you, I don’t get all the hype.
Sure you’re fun, you’re sweet, you know how to have a good time,
But a relationship with you? Shit I wouldn’t bet a dime.
It’s a lonely life, and I know what you fear,
You’re afraid of commitment, you’re not as strong as you appear.
Even a lion holds a weakness, one hidden by his teeth,
Under his pride lay his insecurities tucked beneath.
You may be the king of the jungle but I know what’s hidden behind your mystique,
But go ahead, overcompensate and find your next flavor of the weak.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

My favorite spin is "next flavor of the WEAK"

Kudos darling