Sunday, November 8, 2009

Random thoughts on a Sunday

Bananas and coffee might be the best hangover cure. The Usual Suspects is one of my favorite movies. On the flip side, I also have really bad taste in movies. I would much rather be in France, or Italy, or Spain, or even New York. I am bored with San Francisco. Keeping a pumice stone for your feet in the shower is a must for all-just because your feet go through hell, doesn't mean that they need to look it! Exercise makes me feel better all the time. "Never have I ever" is a great game to play--->also you will find out a ton of information & have hilarious conversation. Domino's pizza may have the best online ordering system known to mankind. I know a lot of secrets. Desperate Housewives is on tonight. He never called. Why do my neighbors burn so much incense? I wonder when the snow will start to fall in Tahoe. I can't wait for 2010. Thanksgiving is soon.

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