Sunday, February 21, 2010

Do the holidays really have to be over?

The other night, Kate Starr and I had a soulmate night. I made an Italian dinner accompanied with sparkling apple cider, later followed by peppermint tea. :) We spent the night talking endlessly about silly little things and comedic scenarios. As she left she snapped this picture of me. YES. My Christmas decorations still adorn my door. I just can't bring myself to take down the beautiful wreath I made that still radiates that amazing pine smell through my hallway. My goal: to take the decorations down by my birthday. Lol.


Crys ;) said...

awe, haha, it was so much fun making those "reefs" feathers was my favorite accent. Good goal btw!

Hershon Hartley Design said...

OK, FORGET about the "reefs"... I'm wondering about the DEAD poinsettas in the hallway.......
But then it's just your 'mother'

nana said...

those particular poinsettas are fake.